Wollongong City Council

FOGO Launch

Services Used Strategy
Content Marketing

Food scraps make up about 40% of waste in Wollongong’s household red bins. In a bid to recover and reuse this waste and save around 150kg per household from going to landfill, Wollongong City Council launched Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) in 2020. Team Waples was engaged to prepare the launch strategy and accompanying campaign collateral (inclusive of printed assets, TVC and web video production, and truck design). Creative needed to be fresh, relevant, and most importantly, engage with the Wollongong community.

Key Results

  • Successfully launched FOGO into 78,690 homes in Wollongong
  • Developed the look and feel for the FOGO campaign
  • Produced 4 web videos and one hero TVC
  • Supported the collection and diversion of more than 36,000 tonnes of FOGO waste away from landfills in 12 months: “That’s equal to nearly seven Olympic-sized swimming pools,” said Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM.
The Outcome

A unique brand look and feel inclusive of Logo, Guidelines, Printed and Digital Assets, that cut-through the noise and engaged the local market.